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Northern Cape Literacy Scale-up Project
In the quest to find solutions to early-grade literacy challenges, in the past decade the Zenex Foundation has developed and supported five early-grade projects (pilot projects, large-scale proof of concept projects and a few systemic initiatives).
Grade 4 Mathematics Backlogs Project
It is widely known that a large proportion of learners in South Africa perform several grades below their required grade competencies. Research points to learning backlogs starting early in the Foundation Phase.
Impact evaluation of a school leadership development programme in Western Cape, South Africa
Evaluation of the impact of the Instructional Leadership Institute Programme Over the past few years, the Zenex Foundation has increased the number...
Senior Phase Mathematics Teachers Project
Introduction Many evaluation studies undertaken by Zenex have highlighted knowledge gaps in maths education as a key factor in poor learning...
National Reading Culture Barometer
National Reading Culture Barometer Project Introduction Most literacy interventions focus on school-based efforts to improve teaching and learning....
Foundation Phase Curriculum Recovery Project
Foundation Phase Curriculum Recovery Project Introduction The Foundation Phase Curriculum Recovery Project was designed during the fourth wave of...
Teacher Internship Collaboration South Africa
Teacher Internship Collaboration South Africa (TICZA) Introduction This project supports the second phase of the Teacher Internship Collaboration...
Foundation Phase Teacher Assistants Project
Foundation Phase Teacher Assistants Project Introduction Schools in South Africa have faced intermittent disruptions since March 2020 because of...
NECT Early Grade Learning Programme Evaluation
NECT Early Grade Learning Programme Evaluation .NECT Early Grade Learning Programme Evaluation - view document
Ulwazi Lwethu (UL) African Languages Reading Materials Project
Introduction Literacy development in South Africa is severely hampered by several factors including ineffective teaching in and of African home...