The Grade 3 Mathematics Backlogs Action Research Project was undertaken by the University of Fort Hare’s Nelson Mandela Institute for Education and Rural Development (NMI) to: (i) explore the nature of mathematics backlogs, and (ii) design materials to address and remediate crucial competencies that learners need before making the big transition to the Grade 4 curriculum. The Project used the Early Grade Mathematics Assessment (EGMA) data from NMI’s Magic Classroom Collective (MCC) and Gauteng’s JumpStart programme to better understand and identify the backlogs. Teacher and learner resources were then designed to support catch-up. Finally, endline testing was done to establish the impact of the Project.
Summary of Findings and Action Taken
Baseline EGMA results identified poor performance in the following:
- Simple addition and subtraction of single digits with accuracy and speed;
- Complex addition and subtraction of two/three digits, grouping in 10s, 100s, including number identification and comparison;
- Comprehending word problems, including deductive and calculative reasoning.
Design and testing of three mediation resources to support catch-up:
- Learner Homework Booklets: an opportunity for learners to practice simple addition and subtraction for improved pace and efficiency;
- “Lesson Starters”: through counting activities and fluency games every week;
- Workbooks to improve complex arithmetic: a comprehensive CAPS-aligned resource containing examples of and practice opportunities for complex addition and subtraction, and word problems (common areas with which learners struggle).
Endline testing of the two interventions:
Since only NMI intervened in schools in 2020, the data from the JumpStart schools served as a ‘control group’.
- At baseline in 2019, Grade 3 learners in MCC and JumpStart performed similarly. At the endline in 2021, the MCC performed similarly to their baseline performance, i.e., did not suffer as a result of COVID, in comparison to the national learning loss average of about 75%. JumpStart schools’ performance dropped by 10%.
- These findings suggest that the NMI intervention positively impacted learner performance.
Implications of the Findings for the Work of Zenex
- DBE’s review of the workbooks was very positive: resources were found to be comprehensive, the scaffolding of learning incorporated backlogs with a focus on conceptual development and maintaining the integrity of African languages in learning mathematics;
- DBE recommended that this framework be used to further develop the DBE learner workbook;
- Zenex is keen to continue working with the DBE on these resources;
- Despite the excellent work that NMI does, (specifically in understanding the relationship between language and mathematics), due to capacity challenges, they were only able to deliver the Project 18 months later than planned (the intended timeframe was October 2020 to December 2022); In this regard:
- NMI experienced difficulty attracting senior research expertise to the Eastern Cape;
- In 2023 NMI’s lead research was on sabbatical thus causing delays;
- Zenex intervened to address NMI’s lack of management, data analysis and report-writing capacity.
The Grade 3 Mathematic Backlogs Action Research Project has been well-received by learners and the DBE. This provides the Zenex Foundation with a good opportunity to engage further with the DBE around the underpinnings of this Project to build on other DBE workbooks that have a far reach into the education system. It could be a game-changer if Grade 3 learners can transition to Grade 4 mathematics with confidence and a better understanding of the basic concepts needed.