Launching Ulwazi Lwethu
The Zenex Foundation proudly unveiled a groundbreaking response to South Africa’s reading crisis – the Ulwazi Lwethu African Language Reading Materials. This collection was launched at a prestigious event at the National Library of South Africa (NLSA) on 21 September 2023.
Click here to view a synopsis of the launch.
The event was a joyful celebration of our living heritage. Attendees enjoyed live readings from the books, a theatre performance that brought all nine African languages to life and a performance by Sacred Heart College’s Marimba Band. A panel discussion with the Ulwazi Lwethu partners about African language children’s literature uncovered the process of developing children’s literature and nurturing and growing a new cadre of Black authors and illustrators.
With the event being hosted at the NLSA, the launch presented the perfect opportunity to handover to Legal Deposit of the collection to the library.
Guests were also addressed by Basic Education Minister, Mrs. Angie Motshekga, the Chairperson of the Zenex Foundation, Adv. Thandi Orleyn, CEO of the Zenex Foundation, Ms Gail Campbell, and Early Learning Literacy expert at the University of Cape Town, Dr. Xolisa Guzula.
The Ulwazi Lwethu resources, which includes 1 430 African language readers and storybooks, were meticulously developed in partnership with the Molteno Institute for Language and Literacy, Nelson Mandela Institute for Education and Rural Development, Room to Read and Saide, with the aim of enhancing mother-tongue reading skills and stand poised to transform the landscape of education and literacy in the country.
Click here to view a synopsis of the launch.