Can we bolster independent reading amongst young learners by providing classroom libraries?
Can we bolster independent reading amongst young learners by providing classroom libraries? The answer is yes, but we need to carefully consider the...
ICTs in early-grade mathematics education in South Africa
ICTs in early-grade mathematics education in South Africa How do we turn the tide of underachievement in mathematics in South Africa? “Without...
Language proficiency is critical for mathematical mastery
Language proficiency is critical for mathematical mastery Two recent international assessments (PIRLS 2021 and TIMSS 2019) found that learners in...
Monitoring and Evaluation and the not-for-profit sector in South Africa
The Zenex Foundation recently attended the 7th Biennial South African Monitoring and Evaluation Association Conference. The Zenex CEO, Gail...
Lessons from teacher internships in South Africa
Since 2011, the Zenex Foundation has been at the forefront of supporting initial teacher education (ITE) internships, with three different...
Lessons and Reflections about Implementing M&E in South Africa
Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is an important and integral part of the Zenex Foundation funding approach. It is important to our ongoing...
Zenex Foundation Calls on all Education Stakeholders to Work Together and Support the DBE. Ahead of the Reopening of Schools
On 19 May 2020, the Minister of Basic Education briefed the nation on plans for the return to school – providing the nation with leadership and...
Corporate responsibility in an unequal country: Lessons from the Zenex Foundation
South Africa has been described by the World Bank as the most economically unequal country in the world. 29% of South Africans are unemployed[1] and...
Addressing cumulative learning backlogs is the key to improving the country’s grade 12 results
There is increasing awareness that resources and energy need to be focused on the early years of children's lives to help them to reach matric, pass...
New Zenex study provides a valuable overview of Maths teaching and learning programmes
The Zenex Foundation commissioned a landscape review of South African medium to large scale intervention programmes that are aimed at improving...