Focus Areas
The Zenex Foundation has three core focus areas through which it carries out work :
NECT-Led Projects National Teacher Pedagogy Research Study and the DBE Technical Assistance Project
Introduction to the National Teacher Pedagogy Research Study The National Educational Collaboration Trust (NECT), founded in 2013, is an improvement initiative to support government in fulfilling the education goals outlined in Chapter 9 of the National Development...
Senior Phase Mathematics Teachers Project
Introduction Many evaluation studies undertaken by Zenex have highlighted knowledge gaps in maths education as a key factor in poor learning outcomes in South African schooling. The COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent school closures had a further negative effect on...
Evaluation of the learner support programme
Evaluation of the learner support programme view document
COVID-19 Senior Phase Curriculum Recovery Project
It was clear that Zenex needed to respond to the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown which began in the first school term on 18 March 2020. Three days’ notice of the impending lockdown was not sufficient time for most schools to plan how learners could continue learning...
Senior Phase English Backlogs Pilot Project
Introduction Senior Phase learners need more sophisticated analytical skills for complex texts and to formulate and express their opinion on what they read. They also need to apply skills for information interpretation and transfer. However, the Annual National...
Evaluation of the Senior Phase English First Addition Language Backlogs Pilot Project
Introduction The Senior Phase English First Additional Language Backlogs Pilot (SP EFAL) arose from evidence that Grade 8 learners’ performance in English is well below the required level, together with the lack of attention given to learning backlogs in Grades 8...
Senior Phase Mathematics Backlogs Pilot Project
This is a pilot project to test different learner backlogs implementation modalities in the Senior Phase in rural and urban contexts, with a view to improve understanding and build a knowledge base of what works to address backlogs. Name of Project/Intervention:...
Mathematics, Science and English High Schools Project
The Mathematics, Science and English High School Project aims to develop schools with potential into high functioning schools that offer quality Mathematics, Science and English teaching and learning to disadvantaged learners. Link to article: Name of...
Tertiary Access & English Olympiad Support
The project provides Zenex Foundation-supported learners an opportunity to participate in the English Olympiad, a prestigious school level national competition that aims to foster love for and competence in the English language. Grade 12 learners are further supported...
Post-school Bridging Project
The three projects in this portfolio offer post matric learners an opportunity to improve their Mathematics, Science and English results to enter into Science careers at tertiary level. The initiative serves as a bridge for learners between Grade 12 and university....