Focus Area
The Zenex Foundation has three core focus areas which it carries out work, namely:
Early Grade Literacy & Numeracy Programme
Builds reading and numeracy teaching expertise at a critical entry point in the schooling system – the Foundation Phase.
Senior Phase English Mathematics Programme
Remediates mathematics and language backlogs at the point of entry to high school.
Promotes evidence to
influence policy and practice.
Underpinning all our work is Research, Monitoring & Evaluation to ensure that evidence informs our work and also contributes to knowledge development in the education sector
Insights from the Zenex Foundation Seminar on Early Grade Mathematics: Building a Path Forward
Insights from the Zenex Foundation Seminar on Early Grade Mathematics: Building a Path Forward At a Zenex Foundation seminar on supporting early...
Rest in Peace MaLlele PeTje
Rest in Peace MaLlele PeTje 1961 – 2024 Mr PeTje was appointed to the Zenex Foundation board in January 2013. He provided strategic guidance on...
Tackling Learning Challenges in the Senior Phase
On 27 August 2024, Zenex Foundation convened experts from government, NGOs, and academia to discuss persistent challenges in the Senior Phase...
Literacy Project Overview Report
Literacy Project Overview ReportPublished: 2018The purpose of this report is two-fold - the first is to reflect on the ZenLit model of...
Findings from the Grade 3 Mathematics Backlogs Action Research Project
Introduction The Grade 3 Mathematics Backlogs Action Research Project was undertaken by the University of Fort Hare’s Nelson Mandela Institute for...
Evaluation of the Programme to Improve Learning Outcomes Embedding
Introduction The Programme to Improve Learning Outcomes (PILO), works on developing methodologies that contribute to significant and sustainable...
Evaluation of the Base Ten Thinking Project
Introduction The Base Ten Thinking Project arose out of research carried out by the First Rand Foundation Wits Maths Chair which showed that Grade 3...
Education Indaba 2024
Watch this news clip on Africa Live featuring Zenex Foundation CEO, Gail Campbell at the inaugural Education Indaba hosted by the Kagiso Trust.
NECT-Led Projects National Teacher Pedagogy Research Study and the DBE Technical Assistance Project
Introduction to the National Teacher Pedagogy Research Study The National Educational Collaboration Trust (NECT), founded in 2013, is an improvement...